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Birds & Birding Dictionary

Accidental - A species whose normal range is in another area, and has appeared in a given area only a very few times.

Auriculars - Feather covering the ear area and the area immediately around it; often distinctively colored. Also called ear coverts.

Boreal Forest - The northern coniferous forest belt stretching from Alaska to Newfoundland; also called the taiga.

Breeding Plumage - A coat of feathers worn by many birds during the breeding season; often more brightly colored than the winter plumage.

Brood -

Casual - A species whose normal range is in another area, but has appeared in a given area somewhat more frequently than accidentals.

Cere - A fleshy, featherless area surrounding the nostrils of hawks, falcons. piegons, and a few other groups of birds.

Circumpolar - Of or inhabiting the Artic (or Antartic) regions in both the Eastern and Western Hemispheres.

Clutch - A set of eggs laid by one bird.

Colonial - Nesting in groups of colonies rather than in isolated pairs.

Cosmopolitan - Worldwide in distribution, or at least occuring in all continents except Antarctica.

Coverts - Small feathers that overlie or cover the bases of the large flight feathers of the wings and tail, or that cover an area or structure such as ear coverts.

Crest - A tuft of elongated feathers on the crown.

Crown - The top of the head.

Cryptic - Form or covering that serves to conceal.

Cup Nest - A nest built or woven in a cup shape.

Domed Cup - A cup nest completely covered or arched over.

Eclipse plumage - A dull-colored coat of feathers acquired immediately after the breeding season by most ducks and worn for a few weeks; it is followed in males by a more brightly colored plumage.

Ecosystem - An ecological unit consisting of interrelationships between animals, plants and their environments.

Eyebrow stripe - A conspicuous strip of color arching above, but not including, the eye.

Eye-stripe - A stripe that runs horizontally from the base of the bill through the eye.

Field mark - A characteristic of color, pattern, or structure usefull in distinguishing a species in the field.

Flight feathers - The long, well-developed feathers of the wings and tail, used during flight. The flight feathers of the wings are divided into primaries, secondaries, and tertials. See also rectrix.

Frontial shield - A fleshy, featherless, and often brightly colored area on the forehead of jacanas, gallinules, and a few other groups of birds.

Gorget - A patch of brightly colored feathers on the chin or throat of certain birds, such as male Hummingbirds.

Immature - A young bird not under parental care but not fully adult in appearance; a juvenile.

Lek - A gathering place where males of some species of birds, such as Greater Prairie Chicken, converge and preform courtship displays in a group, rather than courting females individually. females visit the Lek to mate, but nesting is generally done elsewhere.

Lore - The space between the eye and the base of the bill, sometimes distinctively colored. Mandible - One of the two parts of a birds bill, Upper a nd lower

Mantle - The back of the bird with the upper surface of the wings.

Molt - the process of shedding and replacing feathers; usually after breeding and before summer migration.

Mustache - A colored streak running from the base of the bill back along the side of the throat.

Naris - The external nostril.

Pelagic - Of or inhabiting the open ocean.

Phase - One of several distinctive plumages worn by certain species, such as the Screech Owl and some herons and hawks, irrespective of age, sex, or season. also called morph.

Platform nest - A large, flat-surfaced nest built of sticks and similsr materials

Plume - A feather larger or longer than the feathers around it.

Primaries - The outer most and longest flight feathers on a birds wing. Primary feather will range from 9 to 11 feathers per wing. The number of primaries is fixed within a given species.

Primary Feathers - The outer most and longest flight feathers on a birds wing. Primary feather will range from 9 to 11 feathers per wing. The number of primaries is fixed within a given species.

Race - A geographical population of a species that is slightly different from other populations; a subspecies.

Range - The geographical area or areas inhabited by a species.

Raptor - A bird of prey.

Rectrix - A long flight feather of the tail.

Resident - Remaining in one area all year. Non-migratory.

Riparian - Of or inhabiting the banks of a river or stream.

Secondaries - The large flight feathers located in a series along the rear edge of the wing, Immediately inward from the primaries.

Scapulars - A group of feathers on the shoulder of a bird, along the back.

Scrape - A shallow depression made by a bird on the ground to serve as a nest.

Scratching - area of disturbed ground debris where birds were looking for food.

Shoulder - The point where the wing meets the body.

Spatulate - Shovel or Spoon shaped. Used ot describe the bill of certain birds.

Speculum - A distinctively colored area on the wing of a bird, especially the metallic patch on the secondaries of some ducks.

Spur - The claw on the back of Tarsus of some birds legs. (eg. Wild Turkey)

Subalpine - The forest or other vegetation immediately below the treeless, barren alpine zone on the high mountains. The area just below treeline.

Subspecies - A geographical population of a species that is slightly different from other populations of that species. Also called a race.

Taiga - The northern coniferous forest belt stretching from Alaska to Newfoundland; also called Boreal Forest.

Talon - The claw of a bird of prey.

Tarsus - The lower part of a birds legs that is featherless on most birds.

Territory - An area defended by a bird, thought of as it's own.

Tertials - The innermost flight feathers of a birds wing. Those that are closet to it's body. Sometimes called tertiaries.

Tules - Certain species of bulrushes abundant in California.

Window - A translucent area in the wing of certain birds visible from below during flight. (eg. Red-shoulder Hawk)

Wing bar - A conspicuous crosswise wing mark.

Wing Stripe - A conspicuous mark running along the opened wing.

Winter plumage - A coat of feathers worn by many birds during the non-breeding season. The winter plumage is often less brightly colored than the breeding plumage.



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