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Wildlife > Mammals > CWD > North Carolina Deer Carcass Import
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Virginia Law Regarding Carcass Importation

Virginia's carcass transportation regulation prohibits the importation or possession of whole deer carcasses or specified parts of carcasses originating from a state or Canadian province in which Chronic Wasting Disease has been found in free-ranging or captive deer. This includes any member of the deer family Cervidae (including but not limited to white-tailed deer, black-tailed deer, mule deer, fallow, axis, and sika deer, elk, moose, and caribou).

States and provinces with CWD include Alberta, Colorado, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, Saskatchewan, South Dakota, Utah, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

Virginia's regulation does provide for the importation and possession of the following carcass parts:

  • Boned out meat that is cut and wrapped (either commercially or privately).
  • Quarters or other portions of meat with no part of the spinal column or head attached.
  • Hides and capes with no heads attached.
  • Clean (no meat or tissue attached) skull plates with antlers attached.
  • Antlers with no meat or tissue attached.
  • Upper canine teeth, also known as "buglers," "whistlers," or "ivories."
  • Finished taxidermy products.

A legible label shall be affixed to packages or containers holding the allowed carcass parts with the following information: the species of animal, the state or province from where the animal originated, and the name and address of the person who killed or owned the animal.

Any person who imports into Virginia any deer carcass or parts described above and is notified that the animal has tested positive for Chronic Wasting Disease must report the test results to the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries within 72 hours of receiving the notification. In order to facilitate the proper disposal of any infected material, the Department may take into possession any imported carcass or carcass part of an animal if the animal has tested positive for CWD.


For Additional Information on CWD in Virginia - Click Here.
External Resources & Related Links
North Carolina Whitetail Deer Hunting
CWD Hits Bucks Harder
USDA National Wildlife research Center
Georgia Whitetail Deer Hunting
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